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My name is Cheyenne Rathe and I have a passion for helping horses reach their full potential to perform their best. I am a barrel racing enthusiast and I have a goal to be on top. I began going down the rabbit hole to learn more about proper nutrition and physical fitness of my horses and became fascinated with supplemental therapy modalities. One by one, I began adding them to my personal arsenal and now have the capability of offering them to you!

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What is it


PEMF Therapy


What is it?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy


How does it work?

Electromagnetic pulses (low-frequency EMFs) stimulate the cells, charging them to promote natural cellular regeneration and vigor. During a pulse, the cells are engaged and between pulses, they relax causing the cells to be more permeable, allowing more oxygen in and more toxins out.


How will it help my horse?

Accelerate healing and recovery of muscles and bones, reduce pain, swelling, soreness and fatigue, improved performance through increased blood flow and cell function resulting in improved speed, strength, endurance, and range of motion.




What is it?

Nebulizing is the use of a machine to reduce particle size of liquids into an aerosol form.


How does it work?

Liquid is measured into a cup then pressurized air from the machine is added to the cup to aerosol the solution, traveling up the tube and into the horse’s mask to breathe in.


How will it help my horse?

I have an Equi-Resp Elite model - the best model on the market to get the smallest particles, especially those that reach all the way to the lower lungs! The SilvaPlex solution is chelated silver and has a host of natural healing properties. Nebulizing will help clear the airways of any debris and heal any damaged tissue in the lungs so your horse can run faster!

Cold Laser


What is it?

Class 3B cold laser LLLT handheld, non-invasive therapy device


How does it work? 

Cold laser therapy works by emitting concentrated light into the body of the horse, stimulating mitochondria (the respiration and energy production site of the cell)


How will it help my horse?

Increasing cellular energy and respiration promotes faster healing and cell turnover, and reduces inflammation causing musculoskeletal pain. This therapy is ideal for arthritis, pain relief, wound healing, injury rehabilitation, ulcers, and varicose veins. Can be used as spot treatments or for reaching acupressure points.

Kinesiology Taping

K Tape

What is it?

A blend of cotton and elastic material made to stretch and recoil with movement.


How does it work?

On the body, the tape is applied onto the hair with varying degrees of stretch, per desired outcome, to use the hair to lift the skin, decreasing pressure and restriction on nerves and stimulating blood flow. On joints the tape is wrapped to support tendons and joints with range to continue movement.


How will it help my horse?

Increase circulation and oxygen supply, reduce fatigue, reduce swelling and inflammation, decrease muscle spasms, increase blood and lymph flow, decrease toxin build-up in soft tissues, promote healthy fascia, improve range of motion, support joints tendons and ligaments, assist or relax muscle function, improve body awareness, and relieve pain and soreness.


Book a Session & Keep in Touch

Cheyenne Rathe

Ainsworth, NE


(402) 981-5886

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